Maxon is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Cinema 4D Release 23 Service Pack 1. This update includes many minor updates, stability improvements, and optimizations to ensure the high reliability on which Cinema 4D artists have come to rely. In addition, this release includes a new Universal build for compatibility with Apple’s recently announced MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and Mac mini powered by M1, Apple’s breakthrough chip for the Mac. The installation of this service pack requires a completely new install and is recommended for all users.
Downloads for both Windows and Universal Mac are immediately available.
New Improvements in This Release
This update is highly recommended for all R23 users.
- Fixed an issue with the alignment in the Pose content field of the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with adding parameter values to a pose using the Add Keyframe Selection command
- Fixed an issue with the alignment of the Limit and Matching options in the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with unsaved Poses in the Pose Library Browser’s tree view
- Fixed an issue with the bubble help used on commands of the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with obsolete Pose Libraries being stored within the userrepository folder
- Fixed an issue with the Delete Selected command and the appearance of the command buttons within the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Save Pose Libraries command and the selection status in the Pose Library Browser’s tree view
- Fixed an issue with the Blend Slider and multiple selected Poses within the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Create New Pose command and the selection status in the Pose Library Browser’s tree view
- Fixed an issue with the Remove All command within the Pose Library Browser’s Parameter list
- Fixed an issue with linked objects getting lost when added to a Pose within the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Create New Library command and Cinema 4D’s interface languages
- Fixed an issue with the orientation of the Landscape object and the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Save Pose Libraries command and special characters assigned to the Name field of Libraries, Groups and Poses
- Fixed an issue with empty Name fields of Libraries, Groups and Poses and the Save Pose Libraries command
- Fixed an issue with non-permitted characters used in the Pose Library Browser’s Name field
- Fixed an issue with the Selection filtering mode of the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed a performance issue with the Thumbnail View’s Create a New Pose command being applied during a blend session
- Fixed an issue with the Thumbnail View’s Pose Group tabs and the Create a New Pose command
- Fixed an issue with assigning very long names to Libraries, Groups and Poses and the Save Pose Libraries command
- Fixed a performance issue with saving Poses when closing the Thumbnail View
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Pose Library Browser’s tree view when editing parameters within the Pose Content field
- Fixed a performance issue with editing the name of a Pose using the Name field
- Fixed a stability issue with opening the Pose Library Browser when external databases are used
- Fixed an issue with canceling a blend session within the Pose Library Browser and the Thumbnail View
- Fixed an issue with the Pose Library Brower’s tree view when editing the name of an unsaved Pose
- Fixed an issue with the arrangement of Poses in the Thumbnail View
- Fixed an issue with multiple selected parameters and the Remove command within the Pose Content field
- Fixed a performance issue with removing multiple Poses in Pose Library Browser’s tree view
- Fixed an issue with renaming unsaved Poses in the Pose Library Browser’s tree view
- Fixed an issue with external databases being translated incorrectly within the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Capture Thumbnail Image command and the Pose Group tabs within the Thumbnail View
- Fixed an issue with resizing the Thumbnail View manager
- Fixed an issue with the Show F-Curve command within the HUD element
- Fixed an issue with the Timeline’s Set Range to Markers command
- Fixed a stability issue with calling the Record Animated and Record Hierarchy commands
- Fixed an issue with artifacts appearing when using the Transform Bitmap tool
- Fixed an issue with the brightness of 32-bit images within the Texture UV Editor
- Fixed an issue with using the Paint tools in the 3D Painting mode
- Fixed an issue with the Material Manager’s default material view and BodyPaint 3D
- Fixed an issue with the brush pressure of BodyPaint 3D’s Brush tool when painting on a graphic tablet
- Fixed an issue with switching between graphics tablet pen and mouse in BodyPaint 3D on Windows
- Fixed an issue with pen strokes on graphics tablet on Windows
- Fixed an issue with the brush pressure of BodyPaint 3D’s Brush tool when painting with the mouse
- Fixed an issue with the Go to Reference Pose command of the Character Definition tag
- Fixed an issue with the Undo command not updating properly in the Character Definition Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Redo command not updating properly in the Character Definition Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Mixing options of the Pose Morph tag
- Fixed a stability issue with updating the Character components
- Fixed an issue with the Transfer Maps button within the Vertexmap Manager
- Fixed a performance issue with adjusting Character Components in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the tag properties of the Retarget Expression tag
- Fixed an issue with restricting the Bevel deformer to an Edge selection
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel deformer not being displayed properly when using obsolete scene files
- Fixed an issue with hidden geometry when using Mitering on the Bevel deformer
- Fixed a stability issue with loading scenes containing an Octane material
- Fixed a stability issue with the OBJ import
- Fixed an issue with the OBJ import and the default value of the Phong Angle
- Fixed an issue with the Blender preset of the OBJ export
- Fixed an issue with the OBJ import not referencing to the corresponding materials and texture paths
- Fixed an issue with the Sequence option of the OBJ import
- Fixed an issue with the OBJ export resulting in invalid texture paths in the .mtl file
- Fixed an issue with the alignment when importing the USD format
- Fixed an issue with the USD export/import of extruded Spline primitives
- Fixed an issue with exporting/importing N-gons to the USD format
- Fixed an issue with the Update USD Change command and incorrectly assigned display colors
- Fixed an issue with the warning message of the Close USD Bridge command
- Fixed a stability issue with importing the USD format
- Fixed an issue with an error message appearing when exporting to the USD format
- Fixed an issue with the Save Project with Assets command and the USD format
- Fixed a performance issue with importing the JT format
- Fixed an issue with imported SOLIDWORKS file elements being incorrectly positioned
- Fixed a stability issue with importing SOLIDWORKS files on macOS
- Fixed an issue with missing objects when importing SOLIDWORKS files
- Fixed an issue with the SOLIDWORKS import not loading geometry
- Fixed an issue with the Apply Substance Preset command within the Substance Asset Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Apply Substance Preset command and presets being created with the Substance Designer
- Fixed an issue with using the Bake as Alembic commands on an object with assigned Vertex Map as material
- Fixed an issue with the representation of the Anonymized Application Activity within the preferences
- Fixed an issue with the alignment of the Bend Deformer object properties in the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the alignment of the Viewport HUD settings
- Fixed an issue with the displayed interface colors of the timeline’s Show Velocity setting
- Fixed an issue with displaying incorrect tangent tips of Ease In and Ease Out interpolations
- Fixed an issue with using the Brush tool in Paint mode when the Falloff type is set to Constant
- Fixed an issue with the Extrude tool being used in Point mode
- Fixed an issue with the Radius setting of the Brush tool when selecting point normals in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with creating a new Vertex Map every time when using the Brush tool in Paint mode
- Fixed an issue with using the Mitering Patch setting of the Bevel tool
- Fixed an issue with the Subdivision Surface object altering the offset of a polygon object
- Fixed a stability issue with the Melt function
- Fixed a stability issue with the Sweep object
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen not being able to create a polygon
- Fixed an issue with the Extrude tool’s Offset value when interactively extruding in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Visible Only option of the Line Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with interactively using the Bevel tool in the Viewport when the Shape is set to Profile
- Fixed an issue with the Loop Cut tool affecting the SDS weighting
- Fixed an issue with the Subdivision setting of the Bevel tool
- Fixed an issue with the Sweep object and the MoSpline object
- Fixed a stability issue with the Extrude object
- Fixed an issue with the Mitering settings of the Bevel deformer
- Fixed an issue with the N-gons Corners setting of the Edge Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Select Cuts setting of the Line Cut tool when Ctrl/Cmd+clicking on the spline object
- Fixed an issue with the Slice Mode’s Remove Part A/B settings of the Line Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool adding additional control points
- Fixed an issue with the Restrict to Selection setting of the Line Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool when using the Infinite Cut setting
- Fixed a stability issue with Ctrl/Cmd+clicking on a Line Cut tool’s control point
- Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool when Slice Mode’s Split setting is enabled
- Fixed a stability issue with the Plane Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Loop Cut tool when cutting N-gons
- Fixed an issue with the Loop Cut tool and the distortion of triangulated meshes
- Fixed an issue with the Restrict to Selection setting of the Path Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Plane Cut tool’s Select Cut option destroying polygon selections
- Fixed an issue with the Remove Part A/B modes of the Plane Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Select Cuts option of the Plane Cut tool
- Fixed a stability issue with opening scenes containing the Boole object
- Fixed an issue with the Phong Break Rounding setting of the Bevel deformer
- Fixed an issue with the shading of the Bevel object
- Fixed an issue with missing subdivisions when enabling the Corner N-gons option of the Bevel tool
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel tool when Mitering is set to Radial or Patch
- Fixed an issue with the Phong Break Miters option of the Bevel tool
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel tool when the Bevel mode is set to Solid and Mitering is set to Patch
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel tool removing polygon selections
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel Outside option of the Bevel tool
- Fixed an issue with the Optimize function not eliminating isolated points
- Fixed an issue with the Paint tool when remapping Vertex Maps
- Fixed an issue with broken polygons appearing when loading obsolete scene files
- Fixed an issue with the End Growth option of the Sweep object
- Fixed an issue with the Split tool moving selected polygons
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen when Ctrl/Cmd+clicking+drag on a polygon
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen when the Create Coplanar Edge on Extrude option is disabled
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen not working as expected with Polygon Snap enabled
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen when Ctrl/Cmd+clicking on points
- Fixed an issue with the Brush tool’s Smooth mode
- Fixed an issue with the Subdivide command being used in the Polygon mode
- Fixed a stability issue with the Collapse function being used on N-gons
- Fixed a stability issue with adding child objects to the Polygon Reduction generator
- Fixed an issue with the Extrude tool’s Angle setting being applied to selected edges
- Fixed an issue with the Loop option of the Loft object
- Fixed an issue with using the Move tool on selected edges
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen tool not being able to create edges
- Fixed an issue with creating a path selection by Shift+Ctrl/Cmd+clicking on selected points
- Fixed an issue with the Subdivide command being applied to an edge selection
- Fixed an issue with the Clamp options of the Formula Field’s subfields
- Fixed a stability issue with the Make Quad Mesh setting of the Face Capture object
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport resolution of the Moves Face shader
- Fixed an issue with the Import Assets command
- Fixed an issue with the Take System when referencing Redshift materials
- Fixed an issue with selected Assets in the Asset list
- Fixed an issue with a missing Use Full Range option within the Distribution Op node
- Fixed an issue with the possibility of renaming categories within the Asset list
- Fixed an issue with a mismatching Node Preview within the Attribute manager
- Fixed an issue with the Banking setting of the Sweep object
- Fixed an issue with the Spline Mask generator breaking the Phong shading of the Extrude object
- Fixed an issue with the UV Map command not being applied to multiple selected objects in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the orientation of the Null object’s shapes
- Fixed an issue with the Tessellation on scaled objects in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the MoGraph Weight Paintbrush tool causing artifacts in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the disabled Sel.: Wireframe option being visible at Generator object’s children
- Fixed an issue with selecting Joint objects in the Viewport when the mesh is locked
- Fixed an issue with missing reflections in the Viewport’s Quick Shading (Lines) mode
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport’s Transparency setting and Projection mapping
- Fixed an issue with the Anti-Aliasing settings not being stored within the preferences
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Normals not being displayed on Subdivision Surface objects in the Viewport
- Fixed a refresh issue with multiple shadows in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Mirror tool’s cross indicator in the Viewport
- Fixed a performance issue with the Weight tool when switching between the Viewport shading modes
- Fixed a stability issue with the Viewport Renderer when rendering multiple times in the Picture Viewer
- Fixed an issue with the Maximum Transparency not displaying correctly in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Level of Detail settings not displaying correctly on certain objects in the Viewport
- Fixed a refresh issue with Node materials in the Viewport
- Fixed a stability issue with the Viewport Renderer when calling the Render to Picture Viewer command
- Fixed an issue with colors not matching between the Viewport and Magic Bullet Looks
- Fixed a stability issue with the Clear Assets command within the Project Asset Inspector
- Fixed an issue with missing icons for the Scene Nodes within the Project Asset Inspector
- Fixed an issue with missing Breadcrumb information for the Image Node within the Project Asset Inspector
- Fixed an issue with the Project Asset Inspector and assets in subfolders
- Fixed a stability issue with opening the context menu after applying the Clear Assets command within the Project Asset Inspector
- Fixed an issue with Cinema 4D not starting due to UNICODE characters in the installation path
- Fixed an issue with ShowInFinder and `open` argument
- Fixed an issue with the TreeViewFunctions::HeaderClickfunction function not working as expected
- Fixed an issue with the Team Render not loading Cinema 4D plugins by default
- Fixed an issue with the Sculpt module in Python
- Added the possibility to load any python module present in the paths defined in the Environment Variable C4DPYTHONPATH37
- Fixed an issue with dragging python tag over other object
- Fixed an issue that prevents C++ Python Module to be registered
- Fixed an issue with the Send to Magic Bullet Looks command being applied to older scenes
- Fixed a stability issue with Magic Bullet Looks
- Fixed an issue with the Magic Bullet Looks’ properties in the Render Settings
- Fixed an issue with ProRender remnants being displayed in the Viewport’s HUD
- Fixed an issue with the Node material rendering black in the Picture Viewer and in the Interactive Render Region
- Fixed an issue with legacy materials failed to render in ProRender
- Fixed an issue with an obsolete ProRender tab within the Compositing tag
- Fixed a stability issue in OIDIN with AVX-512 detection on macOS
- Fixed a stability issue with deleting the Fit Range node within the Scene Node editor
- Fixed an issue with renaming a node in the Scene Editor view
- Fixed an issue with a non functioning Render Perfect setting of the Sphere node
- Fixed an issue with hiding ports outside of a Group node instead of removing them
- Fixed an issue with the Print node outputting a few thousand zeros to the console
- Fixed an issue with Propagate ports and Input ports not being added to the outside of the Group node
- Fixed an issue with Show Preview being enabled when creating a Group node
- Fixed an issue with the material assignment of the Material Parametrization node
- Fixed an issue with the Node graph when switching scenes
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Ports Display after collapsing and expanding nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Build node not automatically converting individual Input values
- Fixed an issue with the Distribution Op node when being connected to the Matrix Op node
- Fixed an issue with renaming the input ports of the Loop Carried Value node
- Fixed an issue with the Scale input port of the Plain node
- Fixed a performance issue with scenes containing Scene Nodes and a Project Time being set to a frame prior as the Start frame
- Fixed an issue with importing legacy objects into Scene Nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Effector Group node
- Fixed an issue with array dimensions
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Primitive Op node when resetting the Primitive Type parameters to default
- Fixed an issue with the Distribution Op node not including the Color output port when the Distribution Type is set to Grid
- Fixed an issue with the port order within the Input Group Area of the Scene Node editor
- Fixed an issue with the user interface of the Primitive Op node within the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Icosa shape of the Platonic node
- Fixed an issue with the Remove Unused Ports command on the Group node
- Fixed an issue with the Effector Group node containing a Preview tab within the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with inserting the same Array node types
- Fixed an issue with the Insert node when adding Array nodes to an already connected port
- Fixed an issue with placing the geometry Connector Node in the connection
- Fixed an issue with the Angle settings of the Twist node
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Rotate Vector node
- Fixed an issue with incorrectly added parameters to the Disc Geometry node
- Fixed an issue with a misspelled parameter within the Attribute Manager of the Polygon Primitive Op node
- Fixed an issue with Array arithmetic nodes not supporting multi branch single looping
- Fixed an issue with the Axis parameter of the Matrix From Axis node
- Fixed an issue with the Show Preview command within the Scene Node editor’s Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with renaming ports of the Memory node
- Fixed an issue with various Scene Nodes containing a redundant Preview tab
- Fixed and issue with the naming of the Get Selection node
- Fixed an issue with the Matrix parameters of the Transform Vector node
- Fixed an issue with the Add Input command being called on the Geometry nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Edge Distribution OP node and selections
- Fixed an issue with incorrectly named Output ports of the Edge Info node
- Fixed an issue with the Inset node’s Basic tab within the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Selection menu within the Attribute Manager of the Active Selection node
- Fixed an issue with programmatically inserting a Converter port on an existing wire
- Fixed an issue with the Geometry Property Set node not accepting connections of the Build node when being used in the UV mode
- Fixed an issue with non-translatable entries of the Concatenate Array node
- Fixed a stability issue with the Polygon Get node when adding the Index number to a negative value
- Fixed an issue with keyframing parameters of the Cube Primitive Op node
- Fixed an issue with applying an invalid connection between the Geometry nodes and the Primitive Op nodes
- Fixed a stability issue with defining the numeric range within the Range node’s Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Remove Port command not being applied to the input of the Group (with Ports) node
- Fixed a stability issue with the Index Array From String node
- Fixed an issue with incorrectly added index to list entries of propagating enum
- Fixed an issue with the Remove Port command could be applied to the Scene output port
- Fixed an issue with removing the Scene output port by selecting the Input Area of the Scene Node editor
- Fixed an issue with the Array nodes accepting connections from their Array In port to Op Output ports
- Fixed an issue with the Landscape Geometry node being classified to the Operators nodes
- Fixed an issue with an incorrectly added Output port when grouping nodes
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect value at position 0 of a linked Insert node array
- Fixed a refresh issue with renaming nodes
- Fixed an issue with inserting the Relax Points node into an existing connection
- Fixed an issue with the Stream Mode option of the Aggregate node
- Fixed an issue with the Median operation of the Aggregate node
- Fixed an issue with the Up Vector setting of the Distribution nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Factor parameter of the Mix Array node
- Fixed an issue with the Mix Array node allowing connections from Geometry nodes
- Fixed an issue with overriding existing connections of a node
- Fixed an issue with keyframing the parameters of the Matrix Op node
- Fixed an issue with the animated Effector Matrix parameters of the Bend Effector Op node
- Fixed a stability issue with adjusting the Segment parameter of the Point on Outline node
- Fixed an issue with the range value of the Mix Array node
- Fixed an issue with overriding an existing connection to the Input port of the Matrix Op node
- Fixed a stability issue with rendering a parameterized Uber material to the Picture Viewer
- Fixed a performance issue with the Resource Editor when configuring the user interface of the Operator Group node
- Fixed an issue with the Operator Group node having redundant attributes within the Resource Editor
- Fixed a stability issue with database mounting
- Fixed a stability issue with editing newly created templates within the Resource Editor
- Fixed an issue with the naming of Scene Nodes within the Object Manager when importing them in FBX and Alembic format
- Fixed an issue with the Compose Container node
- Fixed an issue with a missing Use Full Range option of the Points to Line node
- Fixed a refresh issue with connecting the array inputs of the Mix Array node
- Fixed an issue with the active selection of the Geometry nodes
- Fixed an issue with adjusting the Scale parameters of the Compose Matrix node
- Fixed an issue with the Data Type presentation within the Attribute Manager of appropriate nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Bevel Node being unable to save files when the Shape is set to User
- Fixed an issue with the Resource Editor not showing the Input types
- Fixed an issue with the Extrude node’s Geometry input port allowing selections
- Fixed a performance issue with connecting the Geometry output port of the Geometry Property Set node
- Fixed a stability issue with executing the Unsubdivide command
- Fixed a stability issue with importing scenes when references are missing
- Fixed an issue with the Lock Tangent Length setting when creating keys in the Timeline
- Fixed a stability issue with renaming Joints within the Timeline’s Object Area
- Fixed a stability issue with the Show in F-Curve Mode command used on a Motion Clip
- Fixed an issue with the Copy Ease/Paste Ease commands being executed on keyframes in the F-Curve mode
- Fixed an issue with broken tangents being applied to keyframes when using the Paste Ease command
- Fixed an issue with the icon assignment of the Ease In and Ease Out commands
- Fixed an issue with integrating the shortcut ‘S’ to run the Frame Selected command within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with the Texture UV editor being locked when running the Empty Canvas command
- Fixed an issue with the UV Snapping when editing UV polygons within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with the Overlap Identical Islands/Overlap Mirrored Islands options in the Geometric mode of UV Packing
- Fixed an issue with the UV Unwrap tool in conjunction with edge selections
- Fixed an issue with the Equalize Island Size option in the Geometric mode of UV Packing which created differently scaled UV Islands
- Fixed an issue with UV Pins still being visible when the UV Mesh was disabled
- Fixed an issue with the UV Transform tool controls still being visible after objects were deselected
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Viewport when loading UV meshes
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Clear UV Pins command within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with textures loaded in the Texture UV editor were not assigned correctly within the Viewport
- Fixed an undo issue with the Mirror Selection command
- Fixed an issue with the Fit UV to Canvas command and the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with polygon selections and highlighting were still working while the UV Mesh option was disabled
- Fixed an issue with the Equalize Island Size option of the UV Packing’s Geometry mode not adapting the UV size properly
- Fixed an issue with deselecting the Path Selection tool within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with black areas within the Texture UV editor which lead to an offset of the Rectangle Selection tool
- Fixed an issue with the UV Transform tool controls were still be enabled when switching to another tool
- Fixed an issue with the UV Packing’s Geometric mode not being applied to restricted polygon selections
- Fixed an issue with the Fill Polygon command not filling the selected UV polygons properly
- Fixed an issue with snapping the transform controls of the UV Transform tool
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Overlapping Polygons shading option
- Fixed a stability issue with the UV Packing’s Geometry mode being applied to a current selection that is not a polygon selection
- Fixed an issue with the UV Rectangularize command not being executed on certain UV polygons
- Fixed an issue with the Start Interactive Mapping/Stop Interactive Mapping commands not changing the mapping parameters
- Fixed an issue with not displaying the UVs based on the Material tag
- Fixed an issue with the description of the UV Rectangularize options
- Fixed a stability issue due to out of bounds access
- Fixed an issue with the UV Packing’s Geometric mode not being applied
- Fixed an issue with the Texture UV editor’s UV Canvas and Canvas axis when reopening scenes
- Fixed an issue with the UV Transform tool’s rectangular interactive frame not being displayed when multiple UV elements are selected
- Fixed an issue with current selected points not being hidden when disabling the Show UV Mesh command
- Fixed an issue with the Frame Selected command whilst within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed a stability issue with handling the UV Seams visualization and the UV Unwrap tool
- Fixed an issue with the Frame Selected UV Islands command
- Fixed an issue with the Live Selection tool not maintaining its size within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with the UV Rectangularize command not converting a single row or column of polygons
- Fixed a stability issue with applying the UV Packing’s Rasterized mode
- Fixed an issue with the UV Packing of multiple objects when using the Geometric mode
- Fixed an issue with the UV Rectangularize command not converting selected UV polygons to a rectangular shape
- Fixed an issue with the Safe Frames being disabled when enabling the Viewport’s Geometry Only option
- Fixed an issue with the weighting not being visible in the Viewport’s shading modes Hidden Lines and Lines
- Fixed an issue with the Include Children option being enabled although the parent Sel.: Wireframe was disabled
- Fixed a stability issue with Instance objects and the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Move tool not executing on highlighted UV polygons
- Fixed an issue with Magic Bullet Looks and the Viewport when Anti-Aliasing is set to a value larger than 0
- Fixed an issue with Magic Bullet Looks and the Supersampling effect being displayed incorrectly in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Send to Magic Bullet Looks command and the Viewport’s Supersampling effect
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Viewport and the component modes
- Fixed an issue with the XRef Legacy object materials and the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Shadow Caster option of the Light object
- Fixed an issue with the Hide Object option of the Interaction tag
- Fixed an issue with the Camera Navigation’s Cursor mode
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport’s Geometry Only function and the Interactive Render Region
- Fixed an issue with the Keep Objects option of the Volume Mesh command
- Fixed an issue with the Volume Mesh command moving the object’s mesh
- Fixed an issue with the Use Animation option of the Volume Loader
- Fixed an issue with the Volume Mesh command when the Keep Objects option is disabled
- Fixed an issue with the XRef Legacy object
- Fixed an issue with defining the brush’s opacity of the Paint tool
- Fixed an issue with a String Identifier
- Fixed a stability issue with Licensing
- Fixed a translation issue with the web portal and the License Manager
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