High detailed realistic Curved TV Free 3D Model download. All textures are included. It’s pretty much in the name — we’re talking about TVs that aren’t flat. The curved TV trend first kicked off during CES 2013. Associated OLED technology was relatively new back in those days, so manufacturers were figuring out the best way to implement it.The whole idea of adding a curve came from IMAX. Their massive panoramic displays mimic the shape of the human eye, in theory immersing you even further in the experience. Leaders like Samsung and LG figured you should get the same experience right in your living room. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite work out that way. IMAX projections consume your entire field of vision, something a 55-inch TV in your living room can never achieve. Most consumers agreed, at least judging by low sales numbers. Even Samsung began shifting away from curved TVs a few years ago, though you can still find them here and there
Formats: 3Ds Max (.max Vray and Scanline Render), 3D Studio (.3ds), fbx, obj
Size: 6 mb
Curved TV Free 3D Model Download
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